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"Providing a second self with free choice." Avatars living in the metaverse are the very second selves of VRSNS users. META TELIER provides "choices" for such second selves, so that they can dress and act as they wish, looking more as they wish than in real life.

Showing 1-9 of 32 products

【VRChat】郵便配達員のカバン/Postman's uniform Bag【META TELIER】

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【VRChat】郵便配達員のブーツ/Postman's uniform Boots【META TELIER】

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【VRChat】郵便配達員のボトムス/Postman's uniform Bottoms【META TELIER】

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【VRChat】郵便配達員のトップス/Postman's uniform Tops【META TELIER】


【VRChat】郵便配達員の帽子/Postman's uniform Hat【META TELIER】

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【VRChat】郵便配達員の制服/ Postman's uniform【META TELIER】

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【VRChat】カボチャの魔法の杖/ Pumpkin Magic Rod【META TELIER】


【VRChat】カボチャのランタン/ Pumpkin Lantern【META TELIER】

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【VRChat】見習い魔女の仮装ブーツ/Apprentice Witch Masquerade Boots【META TELIER】

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